I can NOT believe it's been 5 whole trips around the Sun since I established Mindful Cora LLC on July 5, 2018. And boy has it been a journey! Not only is running my own business as a young female quite difficult, but I also had to survive a pandemic that essentially eliminated all the clients and work I had built up in the first couple years. It has not been easy, and I've faced many obstacles, but it's been the most fulfilling thing I've ever done, and I don't regret choosing this path. I feel compelled to share my experience because I know so many other people out there looking to start their own business and I hope to inspire others to take the risk and follow their dreams! Be prepared for the challenge, but know that you can do it, it just takes some patience. For this special "golden" anniversary on the 5th of July, I wanted to share 5 major things I've learned in the last 5 years of being a business owner.

5 Things I've Learned in 5 Years of Business
Consistency is key! I think consistency is the number one thing to keep in mind when operating a business that you want other people to value and support. Especially when it comes to spiritual business, there are tons of people out there making content and providing services, but the consistency is not always there. Therefore, their momentum often dies off quickly. One of the best things I've done for keeping myself consistent is focusing on putting out a few emails a month and making sure that my website is updated. It's not even that much to maintain, but I think it's helped me show my clients, members, and community that I'm always here and dedicated to this work. I've also had to realize that social media isn't always the best medium to be focus your consistency on. Yes, there is potential to grow, but you basically have to turn into a social media influencer and do all the trends everyone else does! I've tried and I'm way more successful sticking with a platform and marketing strategy that brings in more genuine connections, clients, and opportunities.
Say "no" to things that feel comfortable and "yes" to things out of your comfort zone. I don't think I would have grown as much as I have if I had not said yes to some of the opportunities I felt "unqualified" for. For example, I had never taught senior citizens yoga, but I was offered a job teaching at my grandma's retirement home and I had to push myself to say yes. I'm so glad I did because it was the absolute best experience and brought priceless memories to both her and I. Sometimes you do have to "fake it till you make it" and push yourself beyond your previous experiences. I've also had to say no to jobs that are low-paying hourly work, like babysitting and childcare, which is the easiest job for me but one that does not push me out of my comfort zone and therefore provides no growth. I've resorted to these jobs when my business income was not enough to sustain myself, but I've always made sure to refocus back on growing my business so that now I can fully support a comfortable lifestyle without that income anymore!
Flexible body, flexible mind, flexible business. One of my favorite acknowledgements from the teachers and administrators I work with is "thank you for being so flexible". Usually, they are not talking about my body, but my ability to adapt and meet the needs of the moment. I often laugh and even joke with them and say "well, that's because I'm a yoga teacher!" I do think that my practices of yoga & mindfulness keep me flexible in my mind, body AND my business and help me to "let go" of the plan I had and make space for what's needed in that moment. Any good teacher will tell you this, too. You may walk into your class with an entire lesson plan for what you're going to teach, but the moment will draw out a completely different lesson. It's important for everyone in business, not just yoga business, to practice flexibility, understanding, and grace. When the pandemic hit, I practiced flexibility by learning how to record lessons, teach yoga and meditation virtually (kids, adults AND senior citizens) and reach more people through social media and producing digital content. Through my adaptability, this entire other branch of my business, CapriCora Astrology, was launched and now I continue to teach people outside all around the world!
Not everyone will be a good business partner for you. I've had to learn this one the hard way... I've sadly had several business partners that have taught me many challenging lessons. I've learned through all of them that not everyone is a good business partner for you. I think what makes a good business partner is different for everyone, but what I've learned for me is that I want to partner with people who communicate clearly, who following up on their agreements, and evenly contribute to the partnership. I also know that celebrating each other as business partners is important. It's the worst when you have a business partner, but they are only interested in their own growth and not yours. I've had other partners that completely slacked on their agreements and never communicated needing support. I feel absolutely fortune that I currently have several business partners including schools, local businesses, and even private clients that are the right business partners for me. Almost all of them are women, which I'm realizing is important for me. Sharing similar values and business practices seem to be the best indicator of a good business partner.
Self-care is the backbone of a successful business! I put this one last because I want this one to stick in your mind. Self-care is everything for a business owner. And it's last on this list because honestly, it's probably last on most business owner's lists! Having a healthy lifestyle and a good work/home life balance is so important for someone running their own business. Businesses require so much nurturing, support, and effort. Essentially, we work 24/7 and often lose money if we’re sick! Self-care is really the only thing that has gotten me through the busiest of times and through the stress of losing everything during the pandemic. I feel fortune that my work is essentially rooted in self-care and I'm often experiencing second-hand benefits of seeing my students so peaceful and calm, but it's also important I set time aside for just my own practice and being the recipient of self-care. In the last 6 months, I joined a yoga studio and have been prioritizing meditation and nature walks to help support my recent business growth! This school year I had the most students I've ever had on a weekly basis... over 215 kids! It took so much energy out of me to be present for them every single week, but I truly made it through by focusing on balancing my giving and receiving.
Overall, this has been an amazing 5 years and I cannot wait for the next 5 to come! I'm really excited with how much I've already built and how much I've already envisioned for the future. Expect WAYYY more resources for teachers, parents, and schools plus a more consistent dedication to astrology content and growing my audience and presence. I look forward to all the people I will meet and all opportunities that are coming!
I want to finish up this blog by thanking YOU, especially you who are reading this now. You have most likely supported me in some way, shape, or form over the last 5 years (or more). I want to thank my family, especially my mom, for always being there for me, even when things were difficult. I want to thank my friends for believing in me, spreading the word, and always listening when I needed an ear. And lastly, thank you to God, universe, and the forces that brought us together. I feel more connected to life than ever and ready for all the growth and expansion that's coming!
Please join me on my business anniversary, July 5th, for 5-donation based classes. Sign up on through my website on the Community Events page.

Mindful Cora LLC is turning 5 on July 5, 2023! To celebrate, join Cora for yoga, meditation or astrology class on Zoom and raise donations for the Save the Children Fund. All classes are a $5 donation to join and recorded for anyone who can't make the time. SIGN UP NOW
Mindful Cora LLC 5-Year Business Anniversary DONATION CLASSES
Date: Wednesday, July 5th
Class Times:
9:00-9:30am EDT - Morning Meditation
12:30-1:15pm EDT - Yoga Flow (All Levels)
3:00-3:45pm EDT - Solar System Yoga (Kids & Adults)
5:30-6:30pm EDT - Yoga Flow (All Levels)
8:00-9:00pm EDT - Astrology & Meditation

Take advantage of this 5-day sale to celebrate my 5 years in business! It's the biggest sale I've ever done and probably never going to get this big again! If you've been wanting a reading or wanting to *gift* a reading, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! Sale ends Sunday, July 9th!
Use code "5Year50" at checkout for 50% off ANY Reading!
Congratulations on 5 years, Cora! Sending you best wishes for continued success, growth and happiness!