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Leo New Moon 16° & Lion's Gate Portal - August 8, 2021

Writer's picture: CapriCora AstrologyCapriCora Astrology

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Greetings cosmic being,

I hope you've been enjoying your August so far and having lots of fun! Earlier in the month, we've been tested with some challenges, hard-work, and perhaps even a need to change things up! As we come into the dark phase of the moon, we have a chance to really go within and reflect on what has happened so far and set our intentions moving forward. This month's New Moon is auspiciously coinciding with another celestial celebration called Lion's Gate Portal, which adds even more reason to get connected with yourself and your spirit.

When it is a New Moon phase, the Sun & Moon are together in the sky at the same degree. That means that when the Sun is out during the day, the Moon is right next to it. At night time, we see no Moon because it has already set with the Sun. New Moons are an opportunity to bring the outer persona and the inner emotions together and have the ability to synthesize and set intentions moving forward. With the Sun in its home ruling sign of Leo, we have a natural sense of expression, personality, and creativity that's available to us right now. Perhaps this is a time where we intentionally reflect on our talents, creative expression, and personality as a way to set intentions on growing in a spiritual direction.

Lion's Gate Portal happens every year around August 8 or 8/8 and it happens when three things occur. The Sun is in its home ruling sign of Leo, the fixed star Sirius becomes visible in the sky, and the auspicious date 8/8 happens. Together all three of these phenomenon creative this epic portal of spiritual access. Sirius is said to be like a "spiritual Sun" and it becomes visible to us on Earth between July 28 and August 12, but officially "peaks" around August 8 every year. This is a time where we have an opportunity to get cosmic downloads, consciousness updates, and spiritual awakenings. So on top of the super creative Leo New Moon energy, we also have this powerful boost from the empowering star Sirius to guide our path forward. And it seems even more synchronistic that we have this New Moon falling at 16 degrees, which is 8 + 8 .

On top of all of that, we are just coming out of the Sun squaring Uranus, which perfected just a couple days ago on Friday. This has definitely been shaking things up for the collective and us individually. We may be getting creative inspirations, sudden news or changes occurring, or other disruptive events that are bringing a sense of rebellion and change to our life. We may even be anticipating change that is coming and feel conflicted or stressed about it. This New Moon reflects that energy still, which means we are going to be working through this new change and shift in direction for the entire lunar cycle that's beginning. We may see some more immediate results by the Virgo New Moon next month, or even the culmination on the Aquarius Full Moon on August 22. But we are also going to see this energy playing out all the way until the Leo Full Moon early next year in 2022. So what we are planting right now has tremendous power and momentum available!

Take some time today to do some reflecting. Here are some questions to think about...

  • What are your creative talents, hobbies, or ways of self-expression?

  • As a child, what did you really shine at?

  • What gifts can you contribute to the collective?

  • How can you step out of tradition/conventional and embrace new values or creative expression?

  • How do you see yourself? What is your self-image and self-talk? Do you build self-esteem from within or do you rely on external circumstances to value you?

I'd love to hear your thoughts below. Please like and share this blog if you enjoyed! Write a comment below if any of these questions resonate with you and what you intend on focusing on this moon cycle. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Sending love,


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It's so cool to reflect on my own life and compare to the astrological happenings right now. I've been really focusing on making plans to help my dreams become reality, and these dreams are somewhat unconventional and definitely very creative...and then I read this blog post, plus a few other horoscope things, and see that the stars are lining up just right for me to be pursuing these endeavors! Very cool.

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That's so amazing Sara!!! I wish you the best of luck on your creative endeavors ahead!! 😊🙏🏼


Rachel Rosemarie
Rachel Rosemarie
Aug 09, 2021

Sending goodness to all those getting in touch with their gifts and what they have to offer to the collective 🌸 I think I offer a value of the depths of life balanced by playful creativity.

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You definitely do! 😍 sending you love Rachel! 💗

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