Dearest Cosmic Being,
Happy Labor Day & Virgo New Moon! I hope you've been relaxing and enjoying the last bit of summer this long weekend, and also feeling motivated now for the new beginnings this week. But don't worry, we still have a few more weeks of transition and change as we adjust to our new path forward. Virgo season is a time of movement and preparation, as we move from the fun and leisure of summer to the more focused and productive energy of fall. Now is the time to focus on daily routine, tasks, to-do lists, health and wellness, and overall productiveness. You might have been feeling more tired or unmotivated last week, as Mars was transiting opposite Neptune. But as we move into the beginning of this week, Mars is connecting positively with Pluto, our deep psychology power and control. This is a POWERFUL energy and a sign that our intentions will be impactful and strong around this time.

We have even more cosmic blessings under this New Moon! We also have perfecting this day, the lower benefic Venus, in her home sign of Libra, making a harmonious trine to the higher benefic Jupiter in Aquarius. Both of these air signs have an emphasis on group dynamics, social values, and innovative philosophy. This is a really optimistic time for money, finances, expanding, travel, or education. It's also a great time for connecting with others in a supportive and growth promoting way! And to top it all off, Uranus is exactly trining the Sun & Moon under this lunation, which brings a lot of positive excitement about new changes and unconventional ways of moving forward. All of these alignments create huge potential for a very powerful new beginning at the start of this week.

New Moons are about new beginnings. Set your intentions around the Virgo energy in your chart, or use these general prompts to guide your reflections:
What do you want to purify in your life?
What powerful changes are you ready to embrace and take on the rest of this year?
What service or offering are you giving to the collective?
How can you build a better habit, routine, diet, or lifestyle?
What's something old you're ready to let go of to bring in something better?
Share some of your thoughts below in the comments! I'd love to hear about your journey!!!!